Monthly Archives: March 2021

Work Essentials From a Software Engineer

Raised in Saskatchewan, Canada, Tiff Janzen (@tiffintech) grew up on her family’s farm while also taking on modeling contracts around the world. After a career in fashion, she was introduced to the world of code and made the transition into the tech world as a full stack developer. This is how she gets it done. […]

How To Create a Viral Photo Like An Influencer

So I’ve always been fascinated by stop motions… There’s something about them. I’d never shot or edited a stop motion before, but I had been watching a few on Instagram and Pinterest and I was feeling really inspired to try one myself. This was around the time that the new iPhone X was being released. […]

What To Give Up In Your Creative Process

Shawna is the co-founder/creative director of her agency, All Boats Rise. Prior to starting her agency, she was a director at CHIAT+DAY where she was involved in a multitude of projects, including the branding of the Nissan Leaf. WHEN I WAS A JUNIOR DESIGNER… I remember my first couple of years, I had to learn […]